I will help in data analysis, SPSS, STATA, Data cleaning and coding…


I will help in data analysis, SPSS, STATA, Data cleaning and coding…


Price : Rs. 150/-


Thank you for taking the time to look at my ad. I am a highly qualified Data Analytics, SPSS Grinds, and I have been assisting many people.

Students from all over the world study online for various levels of education up to

I can help from Masters and PhD level in Statistics professionally My main service is Data analysis.


  1. Spss help

  2. Stata help

  3. Excel help

  4. Statistical consultancy

  5. Healthcare data analysis

  6. Assignment guidance

  7. Thesis help

  8. Data cleaning and coding

  9. Reporting writing results

  10. Econometrics help

  11. Quantitative analysis help

  12. Qualitative analysis help

Check our Review and Testimonials- https://dataanalysis.ie/testimonials/

This service is for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students who need data processing and consulting.

Data analytics (DA) is the study of raw data in order to extract inferences from it. Data analytics enables businesses to make better business decisions by allowing them to use their data to uncover new opportunities.

My on-site data analysts are prepared to assist you with your statistical requirements. As part of our data analysis services, I use a variety of software packages (such as SPSS, Excel, R, MEDCALC,  JAMOVI, STATA, and others). 

My consultants at The Statistical Agency work hard to guarantee that you not only get accurate results from my data analysis services, but that you also comprehend the analytic procedures that were used to get them. 

As a result, I always provide a plain-language explanation and summary of your study findings, or, with the help of our data visualisation experts, a visual representation.

Feel free to inquire further for

What’s App : +353892789288

Email- support@dataanalysis.ie

Visit: https://dataanalysis.ie/

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Rs. 150/-

I will help in data analysis, SPSS, STATA, Data cleaning and coding…

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